Warlock Pinchers Tales From The Spring Tour ’90!
Originally printed in Spinal Jaundice #10 – 1990
During June of 1990, the Butthole Surfers are nice enough to record the Pinchers’ new 12” EP “Forever Your Girl” and it will be on Latino Bugger Veil Records. (Yours truly finds wonder on how any of P. Abdul’s songs could be replicated successfully, but we’ll just wait and hear.)
3KSK – Guitar
DDRok – Guitar
EERok – Bass
King Scratchie – Vocals
Karen Carpenter Ksum – Vocals
Mikey – Road Manager
Prospector – Van
Apr. 18 – Leave for Lubbock, ate at Mr. Ghaffis’ – All you can eat pizza.
Apr. 19 – Play dive bar with Air Biscuit (known for singer=Chuck, crude motherfucker toting black strap on dildo that emits up to 20 feet.)
Apr. 20 – Play all ages show (matinee) at yuppie-like café.
Apr. 21 – Played Sound Exchange Records in Austin during the day. Joey Ramone (or one of them anyhow) spotted walking by (they played that night). Played football with Ed Hall.
Apr. 23 – Baton Rouge with Ed Hall. No one there.
Apr. 24 – New Orleans. Everyone knew the words to our old songs, fun show. Some soft drink merriment in the audience. Lots of Armadillo roadkill.
Apr. 25 – Cannibal Club in Austin, great show. Some girls gave us a stuffed bear which we lodged in the grill of Prospector and still in there.
Apr. 26 – En route to L.A. – many Carls Jr. stops.
Apr. 27 – L.A. – Hung out with Imperial Buttwizards and Don Bolles. Show at Helter Skelter, a lot of apathetic people, no $. One of them “exposure” shows. Crock o’ shit. Met a feminine guy named Alice who looked like a girl we know in Boulder, he may have had a crush on Karen (didn’t stay around to find out).
Apr. 28 – En route to San Francisco.
Apr. 29-May 3 – Hung out with Haters, toured Survival Research Labs, show at Covered Wagon, ate a lot o’ burritos in mission. Saw Chuck E. Cheese on way to Olympia. Choose up soccer teams.
May 4 – Olympia, OK show. Met cat named Izzard who jumps into, through, on, etc. grocery bags, also met a Kangaroo rat.
May 5 – Portland. Played with Living End (highly mediocre) and Love on Ice (G ‘N’ R meets Subdudes) upstairs at yuppie Greek restaurant.
May 6 – Seattle. No place to stay, hung out in parking lots giving people false directions.
May 8 – Played Vogue (Seattle), great show. Everyone we met talked about Sub-Pop.
May 10 – San Diego – hung out at beach, lost Scratchie for 3 hours (he was off collecting Sea Beans). Stayed at this topless dancers nice apartment.
May 11 – L.A. – went to Phillipe’s for some French dip. 3KSK orders 5 cents worth of olives (which is one). Called Queen Kong and Palestina from Glow, they couldn’t make it to show.
May 12 – Stayed in Pasadena, went shopping with Joy from Flipside. Ate at Carls Jr. in a mall! Karen got a new skirt and was called argumentative by fundamentalist lady questioning him, did an interview for Flipside, chased an ice cream truck, played a dive in Whittier. Left A.S.A.P.
May 13-14 – Las Vegas, Stayed at Circus Circus (and got famous buffet of course!), went to Bob Stupak’s Vegas World and Liberace museum gift shop (bought postcards and refrigerator magnets). EERok wins big downtown.
May 15-18 – Salt Lake City. Watched TV a lot, saw the Krusty the Clown episode of Simpsons (twice). Got kicked out of Mormon Rock Garden at 3 A.M., played Mayfest daytime festival, then at Speedway with Psychic TV and Tragic Mulatto. Tragic was cool (Bambi’s last show with them), PTV was lame. Genesis bopped some guy in the nose while pouting on tour bus. We left while they were “playing.” Then we dogged the opportunity to get Big Macs. More west coast touring (for 2 weeks) starting July 14.